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7 Habits that will help you become a Successful Recruiter

Author: SuperUser Account/Thursday, August 23, 2018/Categories: Blogs

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It is the responsibility of a hiring manager to get the best talent on-board for the company, however, to recruit the best talent, the recruiter himself must also be the best. In other words, it takes a smart and skilful recruiter to hire equally intelligent and skilled people. Therefore, along with the must-haves, i.e. the skill, experience and intuition, incorporating these seven habits will help you become a successful recruiter.

Keep your focus on getting the right candidate

While the demand for top executives is expected to grow in the immediate future, the qualified executive talent is becoming increasingly harder to find. Understand the key experience and competencies needed for the job and assess the candidates strengths against those requirements. Always remember, your job is to get the right candidate rather than “a candidate”, to work closely with the client on ensuring a successful hire, and ensuring that the candidate is able to add value to the company.

Reinvent your approach to work

Going by the traditional hiring means is passé. Presently, with the rife availability of tools and technologies, the recruiters must modernize their approach. They must deploy technologies in ways that increase their efficiency. They must streamline their way of screening the candidates using the appropriate tools in order to identify the best candidate more efficiently and quickly.

Work on your outreach

The initial outreach decides whether the candidate’s response will be affirmative or not. The outreach of the hiring manager must have the power to get the prospects excited about the position. Sharing the right details, asking open ended questions and explaining the job description with an insightful approach are few ways to perfect the outreach. A good recruiter always leaves his personal touch in all his emails and responses are aimed at making the candidate feel important.

Keep track of your efforts

Maintaining data of all the work done helps in keeping track of all the outcomes which further aids in identifying the successful parameters of the recruitment process.  Recruiters must keep a record of each candidate’s application journey, including from source applied from, which level of hiring they reached, and how the candidate experience was.  A knowledge of these will help in understanding better what must be included during the next hiring process and what must be avoided.

Maintain your work calendar

Since the recruitment process is a multitude of tasks, it is crucial for the recruiters to stay organized as ill management often results in losing a good prospect. Maintaining a strict work calendar that explicitly defines each task for the day promotes efficient working. Also, while planning your calendar, align tasks in the most productive way, for instance, the jobs that bore you the most must be kept first to be done while you are still enthusiastic about the project.

Make the maximum use of resources at your disposal.

From screening to scheduling and communicating to reviewing, recruiters have a lot on their plate.  Therefore, certain automation and AI tools can be used to reduce work pressure and in turn also to increase the efficiency of the output. Use these tools to your benefit by employing them at strategic places, thus making the recruitment process a lot easier.

Put your efforts in maintaining the company’s reputation

The company’s reputation is directly related to the hiring process. If the company has a bad reputation, it is quite likely that lesser candidates will be interested in applying for a job there. Hence, a recruiter must take control of maintaining the company’s reputation. They must regularly monitor the companies brand reputation by constantly reviewing websites like Glassdoor and Indeed. They should be aware of the problems the company is facing and contribute towards resolving them. A recruiter must work towards building a strong reputation for the company.


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