  • Purpose and Values
  • History and Focus
  • Management



Empower organizations’ development by providing comprehensive, trusted executive search
and people advisory services globally, using local expertise and insights.



Be the leading catalyst in the growth of organizations and people,
by maximizing the value of human capital across the globe.


The Taplow Group is an independent firm, wholly owned by its partner firms. They are not just part owners; they manage our local business and are directly involved in looking after clients.



When working together, each Partner of The Taplow Group agrees to operate in a spirit of openness, cooperation, flexibility, professionalism, and personal integrity. In addition, each Partner agrees to abide by the AESC’s code of ethics, some of which are partially noted below:

  • Each Taplow Group partner firm will comply with all applicable laws, policies, rules, fiscal rules both at local and international level.
  • Each partner firm will create within its local team and at international level a supportive, professional work environment free from all forms of conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive.
  • Workplaces of each partner firm will be safe, secure, and healthy as a matter of respect for employees, consultants, visitors, and clients.
  • Violence, threats of violence, the presence of weapons in the workplace as well as the use of or presence of illegal drugs and alcohol in the workplace will not be tolerated.
  • Within each partner firm team and at global level The Taplow Group will promote collaboration and inclusion as a key value and point of strength to bring the maximum range of innovation, ideas, and experience to our work with clients around the world.
  • The Taplow Group is highly committed to support Diversity and Inclusion processes and promotion of Equal Opportunities, for employees, consultants, clients, and candidates.
  • With its clients, agents, consultants, vendors, suppliers and others who will support its activity, each partner firm will promote the creation of strong and long lasting partnerships, avoiding situations and partnerships that could interfere or appear to interfere with our independent judgment and values, avoiding situations of potential personal and organizational conflict of interest.
  • Each Taplow Group Member is highly committed to communicate honestly, compete fairly, respect the sensitivity of the information we receive from clients and candidates and do not tolerate bribery or corruption.



Our partners capably demonstrate the values of integrity, honesty and openness, to earn the right to be the partner of choice with clients while by adding real value to the executive and professional talent acquisition process. We are committed to our clients and partners. We thrive on taking on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. The Taplow Edge ensures we hold ourselves accountable to our clients, candidates and partners by delivering results, and striving for the highest quality of service.


Our partners meet regularly to discuss best practices, new sector developments and initiatives.

Pictured are our global colleagues in Frankfurt, Germany (2019) , Madrid Spain (2022) ,

Dubai, UAE (2023) and Sofia, Bulgaria (2024).



In 2002, a group of independant senior Executive Search and Human Resource consultants began a dialogue over the state of the industry, and how they could combine to offer high value, highly differentiated search and consulting services – locally, internationally and globally. 

Considering all of the other models in the industry, our founders decided on an incremental approach to building a global business and founded The Taplow Group. They set out a number of standards and procedures by which we all adhere and abide by – that remains true today as it did on the 1st day of our being.



                          Our Founding Partners                                                                                                         Ranked a Global Top 40 Firm 2015 - 2025



HONESTYTreat candidates and clients with respect and integrity.

COHESIVEWork as a team utilising our Single Point of Contact solution.

INNOVATIONSeek to create new possibilities and thought processes.

PASSIONWe believe in what we do and deliver.



Abide by the AESC's code of ethics and adhere to our unique Engagement Process.

The critical common elements became part of our core business Retained Executive Search, Executive Interim and Leadership Advisory and Performance. As our global team developed and evolved, we developed and adopted a Single Point of Contact approach to meeting global needs. 

As we continue to build and develop our team to meet the challenges of tomorrow, we are mindful of the changes in technology and international business.  Our goal is to continue to be at the critical edge of business management and strategy.

As an employee owned enterprise, we take pride in our work and personally commit to developing solutions to enhance the success of your business and mitigate the risks of ambitious growth objectives.



  The Taplow name is derived from our inaugural conference held in 2002 

  in Taplow, UK on the banks of the River Thames a short distance from 

  Windsor Castle. Mentioned in the doomsday book in 1086 the village was 

  originally Anglo Saxon and is steeped in history.


  Our logo is inspired by the Tulip Trees that can be found within

  the Taplow House Hotel grounds, the trees were initially planted during

  the reign of Elizabeth the 1st and have stood the test of time, weather,evolving economies and nations.


The Taplow Group™ is governed by a Board of Directors. While the Board of Directors focuses on strategic issues, our egional Directors manage the operational day-to-day issues within their region. Both director teams work cohesively and complement each other for the benefit of all our partners and clients. Click on our Director names to see further details.



   Mark Firth – Chair 

    Shaista Sabharwal - CEO

   Giovanna Brambilla - Finance Director

    Stephane Martinod - Operations Director

     Carmen Alarcon - Marketing Director

     Emma Tilson - DE&I and Sustainability Director
    Tacito Bocaiuva - Partnership Development Director 


   Graeme Sandri - Asia

   Hans Holter - Sorensen - Europe+ 



The Taplow Group S.A.™
45, avenue de la Liberté
L-1931 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Registration number: B101567
VAT number: LU20365422



 Karina Kratholm – VP Administration and Operations  Click Here to E-Mail



 Crux Creative Solutions. Click Here to Email