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Create Effective Corporate Governance with our Board Governance Services

Author:, November 30, 2021/Categories: Blogs

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An organization needs to constantly work towards improving its corporate governance. The pillars of corporate governance rest on the principles of purpose, people, process, and performance. This means that corporate governance includes aspects of legislative and legal compliance along with strategy formulation and policy-making for an organization. In short corporate governance goes well beyond just compliance and there is no risk greater than having poor corporate governance.

Are you planning on improving your company’s performance and reputation? If yes, then the best channel is by partnering with a board governance services firm to ensure that your corporate governance is top notch. This will enable your organization to stay on top of its competition.

Here are a few ways to improve your corporate governance include –

Diversity your board

Diversity is a serious issue. We do not see proper and equal representation of women, and all communities in boards across organizations. Studies have repeatedly shown that diversity can enhance your corporate governance. Our board member recruitment consultants will help you identify the gaps and lags in your board composition and then fill them with the right candidate. Our consultants not only have in-depth industry knowledge but a wide pool of personal connections as well.

Monitor performance

With the right set of people on board, your board is now all set to monitor the performance of the organization. The directors need to ensure that the corporate decisions are in line with the vision and mission of the organization. The performance of the organization should be closely monitored from multiple angles, profit just being one of them. The board members must also observe market sentiments, reputation, customer feedback and incorporate all these aspects in their governance policies

Information management

Board members need proper information to make the right decisions. But that does not mean that the senior management bombards them with information. There has to be an agreed format in which information is presented to the board and then every board member review, analyze, and draw insights from this information. This makes the interaction between senior management and the board members very critical.

Risk management

Risk is not limited to only compliance activities. Our board governance services firm will guide you on all aspects of risk management including financial, legal, natural calamities, cyber security, and reputational risks. The board members must identify risks and communicate the same to the CEO and management so that effective risk mitigation measures can be adopted in time.


The board keeps a close eye on the senior management and important stakeholders but from time to time the board should evaluate its performance. This is where board member recruitment consultants bring in their expertise. We offer a neutral and unbiased assessment of the performance of the board members and suggest the best ways to enhance performance in the future.

If you are looking to improve your corporate governance, then these might help. But for a comprehensive strategy reach out to us and get the best team on board. At The Taplow Group we help you source the best-fit for your organization’s leadership through our executive search consultants. To know more about our services like leadership coaching, professional hiring, management consulting, reach out to us at

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