When it comes to hiring, every position matters in a company but C-level recruitments are one of the most crucial and the most challenging positions to fill. Also, known as the C-suite, C-level executives are the ones who sit at the top of the funnel as the chief members of the organization. Their role in the organization requires them to deal with highly sensitive information, making decisions that shape the company culture and the future of the entire business. Therefore, to make the C-level recruitment a success, you must tread vigilantly and find the right person for the job.
While qualifications, experience and records of previous positions held, pose as significant parameters for evaluation, there are several other aspects that need to be considered and evaluated before on-boarding any candidate. If you want to make your C-level recruitment successful, look at the below delineated must-have qualities in your candidate. Always remember, a bad hire at the C-level can have a domino effect on the rest of your business.
“With great power, comes great responsibility”. Along with this, the passion to do the right things with the power is the ultimate virtue. People sitting at such important positions must exhibit a passion for their work. It takes dedication and an inflexible zeal to motivate you to work hard towards achieving success. A CEO or a COO (C-level executives) needs to break the boundaries and go that extra mile to get things done, essentially differentiating them from other employees who are still very settled in their 9-5 jobs.
Communication and Social Skills>
Clear and effective communication is one of the most important traits of C-level executives. Along with flawless interpersonal skills, they should have excellent communication skills in order to effectively communicate with the team and to avoid confusions and misunderstanding with respect to tasks assigned. Thus, increasing the productivity of the team. As C-level executives are considered representatives of the organization, effective social skills among the C-level executives add value to the organization represented.
Impeccable Decision-Making
The ability to take smart and swift decisions is an important trait you must look for while hiring personnel for the C-suite. At such high positions, making important decisions accounts as crucial responsibilities of C-level executives. It is imperative that C-level executives should be decisive and possess the ability to act out smartly and quickly.
Lead by Example
Every employee looks up to their boss. Being an inspiration among your employees results in a positive and highly motivated workforce. Remember the saying, “If you are motivated on the inside, you surely will be an inspiration on the outside too”. Look for someone who displays an ability to inspire the team to do better. This quality also proves favorable outside the office thus adding value to the person and the organization represented.
At The Taplow Group, we understand that a wrong hire can prove to be very expensive. Therefore, we take time to research the role and its requirements and then look for the perfect fit with relevant experience and passion; someone who has the ability to take a company from where it is now to where it wants to be. At every step of the hiring process, we share a belief and passion for your vision. To know more connect with us at www.taplowgroup.com