Remote work is here to stay and as a manager, you need to manage your team effectively, even if you cannot meet with them in person. Is managing employees remotely very different from managing employees in the office? The answer is NO! With small steps and little effort, you can become the best remote manager.
Connect for building connections, not work – Spend time on 1:1 calls, but not take just only take work-related updates. It should be more to build a connection with your fellow associates. Use these opportunities to understand what your fellow team members need. Are they feeling supported, or they are feeling stuck? What do they think about improving efficiency at work? Are they happy with their work? Spend time as a coach, a friend, and a benefactor to become an ideal manager at work.
Keep communications public – Everything except private matters should be discussed as a team. This allows room for transparency, and everyone knows what is going on within the team. If you practice direct messaging, your employees will follow the same and it would evidently lead to miscommunication and unnecessary troubles. Follow the simple rule, praise in public and criticize in private.
Make sure that teams take a break – There is nothing worse than leading a fatigued and burnt-out team. Give your team members enough scope to take leaves and breaks from work. Certain organizations follow a system of mandatory holidays as well. Also, ensure that you monitor the workload diligently and ensure that it is well-balanced among all team members.
Follow these simple tips and you will become the manager that everyone would aspire to become and love to work for!
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