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Why Human Capital Development Is Essential For Organizations?

Author:, May 26, 2020/Categories: Blogs

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Human Capital refers to the economic value added to a firm by the knowledge, innovation, skills, expertise, and creativity of its employees. Human Capital Development is critical to the profits and productivity of an organization. They are valuable assets that are not recorded in the balance sheets but can give sustainable competitive advantages in this VUCA (vulnerability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world. Hence, in this knowledge-based world, employees are the most critical assets. Investing in human capital development is investing time and money in hiring, training, personality development, career planning, and upgrading skills and competencies.

Human capital is the most complicated resource in this knowledge-based economy. Companies must invest in human capital development. The benefits of such investment can be highlighted as – 

  • Employee Satisfaction – Investing in human capital will increase employee satisfaction. Once employees feel that the organization cares and values their learning and development, their productivity will increase automatically. 
  • Retention Rates – If you invest in an employee's career development, then he/she does not need to look for a better opportunity. Employees who receive career advancement opportunities within an organization will not look outside for the same. This means higher retention rates and efficiency.
  • Employee Engagement – Highly engaged employees are more productive and loyal to their organizations. Investing in human capital development would increase employee engagement. Find out the aspirations and career goals of your employees and then align programs according to them.
  • Communication - Human capital development improves every aspect of employee performance. It will create new channels of communication and refine existing communication routes. Increased employee engagement upgrades, both vertical and horizontal communication channels.
  • Recruitment – Talented people and skills employees will always love to join organizations that invest heavily in human capital development. This will give your firm an extra edge during the human capital search.
  • Company Culture – Investing in human capital will enhance the organization's culture. Employee satisfaction, engagement, and communication are directly correlated with a positive culture. This increases employee productivity and, ultimately, your bottom line.

But finding the best human capital resources in today's modern economy is a daunting task. With reduced unemployment rates, it is not easy to find the right fit. Today it is not only technical expertise but also about cultural fits. Hence, you must avail human capital search services and leave the rest onto the experts. This is also an essential part of human capital development.

If you invest in human capital search, then you get connected to the best talents across the world. The human capital search consultants know your business, understand the industry, and have years of experience in hiring the best talents. Your organization is as good as your employees. Making a small mistake in the hiring of executives could come at a high cost. managers of C-suite employees will cost you dearly. Many organizations collapse because they never invested in human capital development. 

The success of any organization depends on how its human capital manages the financial capital. No doubt, in this knowledge-based economy, investing in human capital development is probably the best investment.



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