It’s often said that learning is an ongoing process and it stands true for leadership development as well. Every leader, irrespective of his or her position or successes, needs to persistently work on leadership development. After one has climbed his or her way to the top of the corporate ladder or reached a certain level in their career, it’s easy to sit back and put everything on autopilot. However, settling for the status quo and never taking risks or learning new skills can stall any career, no matter how glorious! To be an effective leader, one must remain committed to learning and adapting at all times.
In today’s competitive business world, leaders need to continually refine their leadership skills and adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the workplace in order to remain viable. However, this in no way means just taking one leadership development class and then going back to the same old humdrum of corporate life. Leadership development is an ongoing process. It begins with learning new skills and gaining experience by applying those skills. As Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Leaders must possess the ability to translate their knowledge into action and continue on this journey throughout their career and life.
So what is it that one needs to successfully develop oneself into a leader? As a leader one needs to be self aware because it won’t be possible to understand the needs and perspectives of your followers if you don't first understand yourself. This is the reason organizations invest in 360-feedback and executive coaching for their leadership development programs. These methods provide feedback about what one is doing and how it affects others.
Also, giving ‘knee-jerk’ reactions or using the same strategy in different circumstances can spell trouble for leaders in the long run. They need to control their impulses and learn how to analyze situations in order to think about the big picture and long-term results. Through self reflection the leaders can initiate the correct actions at the right time and in the right situations. As a leader you also need to develop a leadership identity that serves as a positive role model for your followers. The zeal to be that ideal leader motivates further development.
Here are a few suggestions that you can use to amp up your leadership development journey.
Books - Just imagine a topic and there exists a book! Right from leading successful teams to managing workplace conflicts; books are an ideal way to hone your leadership skills at your own pace.
Professional Development Programs – Whether you are looking at up skilling your leadership skills or increasing business success and profitability, these programs go a long way to improve your efficiency as a leader.
Mentoring - Mentoring can be an extremely rewarding experience as it allows you not only to share your skills but also learn from the one you are mentoring.
All said and done, in order to remain effective as a leader one must remain committed to learning and adapting at all stages of their life and career. At our CEO Institute, we help you embark on ajourney that ensures that you master the skills you need to manage effective and productive teams. To know more about our program, visit us at www.TaplowGroup.com.