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Paving The Way For a Bright Future

The Annual Conference 2019

Author: Mark Firth/Thursday, November 14, 2019/Categories: News

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The Taplow Group recently concluded its 17th Annual Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. More than 26 delegates from 15 countries and 6 continents gathered together to steer both the business and their own personal development in a more agile and digitally-enabled direction.

The three-day conference that was held from November 6th through 9th, 2019, featured discussions and presentations on a range of topics related to the future of Executive Search Business across geographies.

The conference’s first day featured a ‘Meet and Greet’ session combined with a presentation by our Guest Speaker, Mrs. Barbara Liebermeister Leadership and Relationship Management in a Digital Age.

The second day began with voting by the shareholders, followed by an insightful Social Media Update and Discussion by Ms. Shaista Sabharwal, Taplow India.

Next was the introduction of Team Russia by Mr. Henric Nilsson, Managing Partner, Russia.

The post-lunch session began with an introduction The Taplow “Communities of Excellence” by Mr. Mark Firth. Post which Mr. Steve Schrenzel, Taplow USA, presented his views on New Markets and how Taplow gets ahead of the game.

The conference’s third and final day began with a Business Development Session hosted by Mr. Ian Stacy, Taplow Australia/ New Zealand followed by an open delegate discussion.

Mr. Mark Firth, Taplow Group Chairman presented Taplow in 2023 – Guide us to your future. This was followed by a presentation by Mr. Jeffrey Goh, CEO, Germany Star Alliance Marketing and Business Development Strategie in a Global Service Organization.

The main highlight of the 3rd day was Taplow 2019 Awards hosted by Mr. Mark Firth, Taplow Group Chairman.

The awards announced are as

  • Partner Firm of the year 2019 – Germany (in recognition of their efforts in coordinating with Taplow partners on numerous projects and hosting our annual conference.)
  • Partner of the Year 2019 – Shaista Sabharwal, India (in recognition of extensive work developing the groups Marketing and Branding in 2019)
  • The Matti Aalto Award 2019 – Peter Tanner AM, Australia (in recognition of the partner’s long term contribution to the group and our clients)

Post the award ceremony Mr. Peter Knoblich gave the closing address, which brought the conference to a close.

“What I liked most was the interaction. Meeting some of the team members and partners from other parts of the world for the first time, catching up with those I have not seen in a year and engaging in lively discussions in the sessions and afterward was the best. I am already looking forward to next year!” said Shaista Sabarwal, Taplow India.

All participants agreed that the conference exceeded expectations and demonstrated the continued rapid growth of the Executive Search Business across the world.


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