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Will CHROs be the new CEO?

Will CHROs be the new CEO?

What is common between Leena Nair, Arundhati Bhattacharya, and Marry Barra? They all were CHROs or HR professionals who became CEOs of giant...
How The New Normal is Shaping the Future Of Human Capital Development

How The New Normal is Shaping the Future Of Human Capital Development

The events of the past two years have pushed organizations to redefine business models and adopt the new normal. As economies and businesses are...
The Great Resignation Wave - Thoughtful Thursday by Mark Firth

The Great Resignation Wave - Thoughtful Thursday by Mark Firth

The great resignation was a phrase coined by psychologist Anthony Klotz. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) a record 4.3 million...
The Hybrid Model is Here to Stay

The Hybrid Model is Here to Stay

The last two years have brought in radical disruptions to human life and the way we work. As the business world is trying to offset the impact of...
Build Organizational Strength and Capability with Our Human Capital Search Services

Build Organizational Strength and Capability with Our Human Capital Search Services

Organizational strength and capability refer to an organization’s ability to meet customer demands, manage resources effectively, enhance and...
To Be or Not To Be Vaccinated – The Corporate Confusion

To Be or Not To Be Vaccinated – The Corporate Confusion

As the workforce starts to return to physical offices after working remotely for more than 18 months or more, employers are doing everything they...
Lead Through Disruption Successfully with Our Human Capital Consultancy Services

Lead Through Disruption Successfully with Our Human Capital Consultancy Services

The year 2020, disrupted almost everything around us – the way we lived, interacted, worked, and traveled. It created a unique ‘new normal’ where...
Navigate The New World of Work with Our Human Capital Services

Navigate The New World of Work with Our Human Capital Services

The events of the last two years have compelled organizations to reassess, reimagine, redefine, reset, and reboot how they work and conduct their...
Flexibility Could Be The Key To Secure Top Talent

Flexibility Could Be The Key To Secure Top Talent

Workplace flexibility is no longer viewed as a novelty, rather it has become a hygiene factor for organizations to attract top talent, retain...